En esta página se pueden constatar, en tiempo real, los porcentajes de votación de los candidatos a gobernador, diputados y presidentes municipales en Oaxaca:
Hasta las 3 am del lunes 5 de julio, el triunfo es para el candidato a Gobernador de la Coalición Unidos por la Paz y el Progreso, Gabino Cué Monteagudo.
This is historic. At last a change is coming. It seems like the 2006 vote was not a vain vote. Means that we do not want more of the same. I just cannot believe this is happening. I hope the new people will have the goats to be honest and to really turn their eyes to the people, not to their own pockets.
One more comment. The new chamber is going to be NO-PRI. And the cities also voted against the PRI. Is that a carro completo, or how can you read that?.
It is hard to think how the governatore is going to take this. He is losing and even his girlfriend is losing. It’s not an easy easy run for the governatore anyway.
[…] The busiest day of the year was 5 de julio with 205 views. The most popular post that day was Resultados Preliminares Oaxaca. […]